Interest rate is the percentage of the principal of a loan a lender charges a borrower to make the loan. Finance charges are a broader measure of the cost of borrowing that include both interest and any applicable fees. Annual percentage rate, or APR, expresses the finance charges on a loan as a yearly rate. Finance charges are based on a consumer’s creditworthiness. A consumer’s creditworthiness is determined by several factors, including credit and payment history, income, employment, existing debt, and types of debt. The APR for your loan will be determined by the amount you choose to borrow and the length of time you choose to keep your loan outstanding. You can reduce the total cost of your loan by paying off your loan prior to your last due date on your payment schedule or by making additional payments on or between your payment due dates.

The copy of your loan details, finance charges and APR will be fully disclosed to you in your loan agreement upon approval of your loan. Contact us today to see if you qualify for one of our loans. We can assist you and present a range of loan options for which you may qualify.* Our Company adheres to all federal laws and regulations that apply to short term and online personal lending industry.

Our company does not discriminate against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, because all or part of an applicant’s income derives from any public assistance program, or because an applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.

Please note: This is an expensive form of borrowing, and it is not intended to be a long-term financial solution. These loans are designed to assist you in meeting your short term financial needs and are not intended to be a long term financial solution.

*All loans are subject to credit approval.